Wednesday, March 17, 2010

27 States Down - 21 More To Go!

Dylan Dethier graduated from high school in Williamstown, Massachusetts in 2009 and was immediately accepted into college. He decided to put college off for a year, and with the help of his older brother, convinced his parents to allow him to travel America playing golf. So the 18-year-old loaded up his Subaru and set out on a journey most of us can only dream about. He arrived in Arkansas at the start of the week - his 27th state out of 200 days on the road - and on Thursday, March 18, the journey takes him down I-40 West into Oklahoma, with other golf courses lined up including Muskogee Country Club where former Arkansan Sam Meredith is the PGA Professional. He is picking up a friend at the Tulsa airport to "share the road" with him for a few days, including a trip to the 2nd round of the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament in Oklahoma City Saturday. Since he has been in Little Rock and heard all about the UALR Lady Trojans (and actually watched the NCAA Women's Selection Show at the Fox house), he might even take in Sunday night's first round women's game between UALR and Georgia Tech in Norman, OK. Early next week it is on to Colorado, then Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Kentucky and states farther east. The journey is scheduled to end June 1st, allowing a little receovery time before college this fall. He won't leave Arkansas empty handed with an ASGA logo shirt, hat and towel - and enough snacks, bottled water and soft drinks to get him a little farther down the road! Read about his journey at

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