Monday, June 21, 2010

Monk Wade: My Predecessor, My Hero and My Friend

Lyrics by Don Henley, one of the lead singers for the Eagles: "I got a call today, I didn't want to hear, but I knew that it would come." When the caller ID on my phone yesterday indicated "Steve and Ginger Wade calling" I knew exactly what had happened, even before I answered. Steve's father, Charles "Monk" Wade had passed away. I had a feeling that call was coming soon - and ironically even spoke with Jack Ramer about Monk at the Arkansas Repetory Theatre Saturday night. "It would be appropriate for Monk to pass this week," I said to Mr. Ramer, "since the Monk Wade Father & Son starts Monday." Monk passed on Father's Day, the day before the first round of the tournament named in his honor.

Monk was a dear friend of mine, my predecessor and one of the greatest things to ever happen to amateur golf in Arkansas. When the ASGA offered me the job in December 1990, the first thing I said to the selection committee: "if you are looking to replace Monk, don't hire me because he is irreplaceable." Monk took the entire contents of the ASGA from Ted Darragh and Jack Robinson in 1975 - in a Footjoy shoe box - and developed it into one of the best small golf associations in the United States. One simple blog post will not be enough room to indicate what Mr. Wade meant to me - and furthermore I am not sure if I can find the words to accurately describe his impact. Mac, Terri and I went to see him for his 90th birthday, back in February - it is a time I will never forget and Monk is a man that many will never forget.

Rest in Peace Monk - I know you have been reunited with the love of your life, Miss Vera, and I look forward to seeing you both when my time on earth is over!

Monday, June 7, 2010

New Website = Behind on Blogging!

I apologize to those 12 or so regular followers I have on this Blog - I must admit the new website and all its capabilities for the posting of results, photos, news, etc. - I have simply gotten way behind on my Blogging. I will try and catch up in the next few weeks and hope I have some useful information to share.

One thing I do know is there are going to be some new Bloggers on this website very soon - as our new Director of Junior/Women's Golf will be posting important info on her Blog (the title is still a secret at this point) - but you will enjoy the creativity of Jessica Ross.

Plus, our talented intern, Julie Robinson, thinks she wants to become a Blogger as well - so you should be well informed as to the happenings of the ASGA!

June is a very busy month with the Men's and Mid-Senior Stroke 11th - 13th at Greystone's Cypress Creek Course; Mountain Valley Junior Boys and Girls Match Play at Foxwood 14th-18th and Monk Wade Father-Son on both courses at Greystone June 21-22; and we close the month with the Parent-Child June 27th in Hot Springs Village and USGA Junior Amateur Qualifying June 29th at Hot Springs C.C. Stay tuned!